Support in the community

We know that not all women experiencing domestic abuse want to come to a refuge. Our outreach staff can give support and advice while you are still living at home.

Outreach workers will visit you in your own home or in another suitable place in the community. These staff can support you by providing someone to talk to, access to counselling, information about your legal rights, legal protection and safety planning, support at court, access to personal development and educational training, guidance on what other agencies offer, and provide details of an interpreter service.

One to One Support

Some women prefer to see one of our workers in the Support & Resource Centre in Adelaide Park. Telephone 028 9066 6049 to make an appointment for a one-to-one session with one of our support workers.

Support Groups and Personal Development

Support groups and personal development training provide a time for women to come together to share their experiences of domestic violence and explore new beginnings in a safe and respectful group setting. The groups can provide an opportunity for you to reduce your sense of feeling alone, increase your understanding of your experiences, and help bring about positive changes in your life.

Contact us on 028 9066 6049 to find out more information.


Every Friday, Belfast and Lisburn Women’s Aid run a drop-in service providing free, immediate and confidential access to legal, benefits, safety and housing advice and Women’s Aid services. One Stop Shop is open from 10am to 12noon at the following locations and on the following dates*:

*From 22nd May 2024, One-Stop-Shop for East Belfast will move to a new day and location – details are below.

Belfast & Lisburn Women’s Aid
30 Adelaide Park, Belfast, BT9 6FY

July – Friday 26th
August – Friday 9th / Friday 23rd
September – Friday 6th / Friday 20th
October – Friday 4th / Friday 18th
November – Friday 1st / Friday 15th / Friday 29th
December – Friday 13th

TWN (Training for Women Network)
116-118 Holywood Road
Belfast, BT4 1NY

July – Wednesday 24th
August – Wednesday 14th / Wednesday 28th
September – Wednesday 11th / Wednesday 25th
October – Wednesday 9th / Wednesday 23rd
November – Wednesday 13th / Wednesday 27th
December – Wednesday 11th
*No solicitor present

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